In pictures: Arrests and fear mark Day 1 of Hong Kong's New Security Law
Day 1: After Chinese specialists passed the national security law, likewise the commemoration of Hong Kong's arrival to Chinese control, a great many dissidents rioted to take an interest in a genius majority rule government walk, following the primary captures. Of these, around 370 were captured including 10 over new offenses made by the security law that trains in on political contradiction. Rest were corralled by the police utilizing pepper shower and water guns. One of the 10 was a 15-year-old young lady waving a Hong Kong freedom banner, the police said. The fights occurred across Causeway Bay and Wan Chai. The nonconformists recited "five requests, not one less" and sang the master popular government song of praise "Magnificence to Hong Kong."
As indicated by the new law, incendiarism and vandalizing open vehicle with a plan to scare the Hong Kong government or Chinese government for political purposes will comprise demonstrations of fear mongering, the Hong Kong Free Press detailed. The law likewise expresses that specific national security cases will be held away from plain view without juries in Hong Kong on the off chance that they contained state insider facts, despite the fact that the decision and inevitable decisions would be made open. According to the new law, Beijing will set up an office for getting rid of dangers to national security in Hong Kong, with faculty dispatched from applicable Chinese security offices.
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