Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Deb has sought contention by saying Punjabis and Jats are truly solid yet less brainy while Bengalis are known as exceptionally insightful.
Each people group in India is known with a specific kind and character, the BJP pioneer said while tending to a program at Agartala Press Club on Sunday.
A video clasp of the main pastor's announcement has turned into a web sensation via web-based networking media.
"For Bengal or Bengalis, it is said that one ought not challenge them when it is with respect to knowledge. Bengalis are known as smart and it is their personality," Deb was heard saying in the clasp.
While, Punjabis and Jats are known for their physical quality, he said.
"At the point when we talk about the individuals of Punjab, we state he's a Punjabi, a Sardar. They may have less knowledge yet are solid. One can't prevail upon them by quality however with adoration and friendship. An enormous number of Jats live in Haryana. So what do individuals say about Jats? Jats are less clever however are solid. In the event that one difficulties a Jat, he will bring a firearm from his home," Deb said.
The central clergyman had made debates before too.
In 2018, he said web and satellite TV existed in the hour of the Mahabharata.
He had scrutinized the delegated of Diana Hayden as "Miss World" in 1997 and claimed that worldwide magnificence shows were a sham.
He guaranteed a year ago that Mughals planned to wreck the social miracles of the state by "besieging" its crafts and structures.
(Just the feature and image of this report may have been revised by the Business Standard staff; the remainder of the substance is auto-created from a coordinated feed.)
Each people group in India is known with a specific kind and character, the BJP pioneer said while tending to a program at Agartala Press Club on Sunday.
A video clasp of the main pastor's announcement has turned into a web sensation via web-based networking media.
"For Bengal or Bengalis, it is said that one ought not challenge them when it is with respect to knowledge. Bengalis are known as smart and it is their personality," Deb was heard saying in the clasp.
While, Punjabis and Jats are known for their physical quality, he said.
"At the point when we talk about the individuals of Punjab, we state he's a Punjabi, a Sardar. They may have less knowledge yet are solid. One can't prevail upon them by quality however with adoration and friendship. An enormous number of Jats live in Haryana. So what do individuals say about Jats? Jats are less clever however are solid. In the event that one difficulties a Jat, he will bring a firearm from his home," Deb said.
The central clergyman had made debates before too.
In 2018, he said web and satellite TV existed in the hour of the Mahabharata.
He had scrutinized the delegated of Diana Hayden as "Miss World" in 1997 and claimed that worldwide magnificence shows were a sham.
He guaranteed a year ago that Mughals planned to wreck the social miracles of the state by "besieging" its crafts and structures.
(Just the feature and image of this report may have been revised by the Business Standard staff; the remainder of the substance is auto-created from a coordinated feed.)
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