Chinese cell phone brand Realme on Tuesday propelled the Realme C11 at Rs 7,499. The cell phone will be accessible in rich dark and rich blue hues on July 22, only on home-developed internet business stage Flipkart. Close by the telephone, the organization propelled Realme 30W Dart Charge 10,000 mAh Power Bank at Rs 1,999. The force bank goes on special on Flipkart from July 21.
Realme C11 particulars and highlights
The Realme C11 is controlled by MediaTek Helio G35 framework on-chip. It sports a 6.5-inch smaller than expected drop molded score screen of HD+ goal. The telephone has double camera set-up on the back, including a 13-megapixel essential wide-point sensor matched with profundity sensor, and a 5-megapixel selfie sensor on the front. The camera highlights incorporate representation mode both back and front cameras, slo-mo recordings and AI selfie magnificence mode. In addition, the telephone's camera flaunts super nightscape mode, which is set to be first in the section - as indicated by organization's case. The telephone ships with Android 10 working framework based RealmeUI. The telephone has dualSIM spaces and a devoted microSD card opening for capacity development. Driving the cell phone is a 5,000 mAh battery.
Realme 30W Dart Charge Power Bank details
The force bank depends on 10,000 mAh Li-particle Polymer battery. It has two-way 30W quick charging capacity and supports multi-charging arrangements. It has double yield ports, incluing USB-An and USB-C. The force bank flaunts 15-layer charging security, as per the organization. It has a low current mode for web of thing (IoT) gadgets like savvy watches, headphones, and so on.
Realme C11 particulars and highlights
The Realme C11 is controlled by MediaTek Helio G35 framework on-chip. It sports a 6.5-inch smaller than expected drop molded score screen of HD+ goal. The telephone has double camera set-up on the back, including a 13-megapixel essential wide-point sensor matched with profundity sensor, and a 5-megapixel selfie sensor on the front. The camera highlights incorporate representation mode both back and front cameras, slo-mo recordings and AI selfie magnificence mode. In addition, the telephone's camera flaunts super nightscape mode, which is set to be first in the section - as indicated by organization's case. The telephone ships with Android 10 working framework based RealmeUI. The telephone has dualSIM spaces and a devoted microSD card opening for capacity development. Driving the cell phone is a 5,000 mAh battery.
Realme 30W Dart Charge Power Bank details
The force bank depends on 10,000 mAh Li-particle Polymer battery. It has two-way 30W quick charging capacity and supports multi-charging arrangements. It has double yield ports, incluing USB-An and USB-C. The force bank flaunts 15-layer charging security, as per the organization. It has a low current mode for web of thing (IoT) gadgets like savvy watches, headphones, and so on.
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